Cute Chibis:
The top half of an animals face with a piece of food dangling over its head at center frame, all on a flat colored background.

Cute Chibis:
This truly is a form of modern art and composition, and is well appreciated by a certain segment of the population as such. However as with all art the cute art of Yuko Lau has been regulated to nursery art.

Cute Chibis:
Not that there is anything wrong with nursery wall art, after all it is this art that introduces children to their new life. Further this art supports new parents emotionally, helping to stir in them the emotions that have allowed humans to feel their most important emotion for generations, that of true parental love and affection.

Cute Chibis:
Even so it is somewhat sad that cute art such as that of Yuko Lau's has been regulated to simple nursery art. After all this art does stir some of the most important emotions in people.

Cute Chibis:
Much of what is cute art also has very deep meaning, though not necessarily Yuko Lau's the style of Lau's art has its own value. Just as the styles of Van Gogh or Degas are often more important then any hidden meanings their paintings might contain.

Cute Chibis:
Lau was an early pioneer of both the Chibi art forms and the modern flat style which can be attributed to the artists love affair with flash and other vector graphics programs. Yet Lau was earlier into these styles then most.

Cute Chibis:
Whats more Lau is unique in the depiction of only the most important part of figures, that of the top half of the face. By showing only this portion of the face the pictures composition is made much more perfect and noticeable then if it had shown the entire face.

Cute Chibis:
What's more by showing only the top half of the face these works of art are better able to emotionally engage the viewer, because this is the part of the body that people are engaged by.

Cute Chibis:
Much of the past centuries art was painted with the intention of gaining a child like perspective, what is unique about nursery art, and what makes it so valuable is that it is intended both to engage children, and to help adults feel more in tune with them. Lau's work helps to display this power nicely.

Chibi Naruto:
The anime, Naruto, is based on Masashi Kishimoto's manga of the same title. The anime is produced by Studio Pierrot and aniplex and is aired in Japan's terrestrial TV Tokyo Network and several other networks worldwide.

Chibi Naruto:
Naruto's animation is fluid and each Naruto episode is filled with gripping fight scenes and beautifully portrayed characters. It currently has over 200 episodes and still counting.

Chibi Naruto:
The story is about a young boy name Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto, blond-haired and blue-eyed, is a spirited, hyperactive, and overly loud ninja. He is first introduced as a troublemaker, playing various pranks and being at the bottom of his class in the ninja academy.

Chibi Naruto:
But Naruto is not your average neighborhood brat - far from it. Naruto, despite his obvious lack in the skills, manners, and intelligence department, has lots of self-confidence and even more determination. He, though loud and uncouth, has a golden heart and a power to inspire others. He aspires to be the Hokage - the leaf village's top ninja.

Chibi Naruto:
He is revealed to be an orphan and to have a demon beast, the nine-tailed fox, sealed inside him, causing the villagers to shun him and even hate him. All he wants is the people's acceptance - which he gradually gains as the story progresses.

Chibi Naruto:
Other Important Characters
The story starts when Naruto is placed on a genin team composed of a girl named Haruno Sakura and a boy named Uchiha Sasuke. Sakura, a pink-haired girl who cares more for her looks rather than being a ninja but has great intelligence, is Naruto's love interest.

Chibi Naruto:
However, she resists all his advances, even to the point of beating him up. Incidentally, Sakura is in love with Sasuke, Naruto's 'rival', along with several other girls, all of whom are blatantly ignored and scoffed at by the said boy. Uchiha Sasuke seems to be everything Naruto is not, perfect looks, prodigious intelligence and skills, a cold and aloof personality, and the respect and love of several people.

Chibi Naruto:
The boy does not seem to care though, and treats everyone condescendingly, especially Naruto. They are placed under the wing of Hatake Kakashi, a very mysterious figure who has a habit of reading a lewd book. Together, they go on several missions, eventually building a strong, albeit hesitant and grudging, friendship wherein they would do anything for each other.

Chibi Naruto:
As the series progresses, various elements are thrown into the mix, a witty blend of comedy, action, and a little bit of romance. The plot deepens, leading to the revelation of Sasuke's bitter past and his eventual descent into darkness and Naruto and Sakura's desperation to save him from his demons, all the while battling enemy ninja with their own evil agendas.

Chibi Halloween:
I always like to start with a Halloween theme for my Halloween decorations. Ghosts, ghouls, skeletons, etc… then build from that point.

Chibi Halloween:
In a ghost theme, you can create ghosts from sheets and pin them up on walls or have them hang from different elevations in your home. Such as railings, doorways, lamps, cabinets etc. are inventive.

Chibi Halloween:
Ghouls and skeletons are pretty much the same concept except they can be placed in a chair or a bathroom or place it on a wall right where people might be coming in.

Chibi Halloween:
Pumpkins are my favorite theme. You can carve many different designs out of a pumpkin even if you aren't very artistic. There are stencils for carving pumpkins such as pet faces, silly faces, scary faces, or even inanimate objects such as tomb stones. How about a carving of a pumpkin?

Chibi Halloween:
I always thought it would be cool to have a pumpkin carving contest. The guests can bring their own pumpkin and you decide if it should be carved at your house or if it should already be carved when they arrive.

Chibi Halloween:
I like the latter idea because of the mess they make. If you do decide you want it done at your house just insist they clean the pumpkin before they arrive. This will cut down on the mess.

Chibi Halloween:
Put garbage containers near every two people and have a time limit. You can judge by categories or just overall whose was the best. And then the pumpkins become part of your décor.

Chibi Halloween:
Be sure to use plenty of spider webs so your house looks creepy. Spiders are great also. If you have a basement and use it as your party room place spiders lining the walls going down the stairs with a large spider up above.

Chibi Halloween:
In the bathroom if you really want to scare someone squirt fake blood all over the tub walls and shower curtain then close the curtains part way. Then you can put some fake body parts in the tub. And don't forget the sound effects.

Anime Chibi:
Let's talk about these how to draw these cute chibi characters and what are the features that make them cute and popular. If you love cute and cuddly stuffed toys and animals, I'm pretty sure that you'll love chibi characters too.

Anime Chibi:
What is chibi?
Chibi simply means short person in Japanese. Warning, these characters are extremely cute and adorable, that's why many love these cute chibi characters. These characters usually have very big and expressive eyes which are bigger than normal manga-style eyes, and they also have small and deformed bodies just like dolls or stuffed toys. Not only that, they also have this exaggerated but cute expressions which are really hilarious. It may sound weird if this is your first time to encounter chbi characters, try to search for chibi characters, I am pretty sure that you will also love these stuffed toy like characters.

Anime Chibi:
Here's your simple how to draw chibi characters guide:
1. For the chibi head drawing pattern, simply draw a big circle. The circle will be your guide for the character's cheeks and face.

Anime Chibi:
2. Next, draw a straight line or a vertical line on the middle of the circle. This line will be the center, and it will also help you know where to put the character's nose.
3. Then draw two horizontal lines in the middle of the horizontal line. These lines will help you know how wide and big will be the eyes. These lines will also help you know where to put the eyes.
4. Your chibi face and head pattern is now complete. It's time to draw the face and other details like eyes, nose and hair.
5. For the body, you don't have to worry that much because most chibi bodies have these chubby and stuffed toy liked bodies which are really easy to draw.

Anime Chibi:
Here are some quick tips:
1. Most chibi characters have these very small mouths and sometimes they don't even have one.

Anime Chibi:
2. 2. You can try to draw and copy your favorite chibi characters first, just to get the idea how is it done.

Anime Chibi:
3. 3. Make sure to make their eyes big, shiny and expressive because this is one of the distinctive features of chibi characters that also make them popular.

Anime Chibi:
Drawing chibi characters are easy and fun, I'm pretty sure that you will enjoy this course. You can even impress your friends and loved ones by drawing them these cute and cuddly chibi characters.

Anime Chibi:

Do you want to know how to draw these cute and chubby anime characters called chibi? Do you want to know more about them? In this article we will talk about pure cuteness, we will talk about these cute chibi characters. Here's a little introduction about chibi, we will also talk about their special features and what makes them unique.

This character is all about chibi, so if you love cute characters, I am pretty sure that you will like this article and you will also even want to learn how to draw chibi characters. Anyway enough chit chat, let's start this article now.

What is chibi?
This Japanese word chibi simply means "small person" or "small child" in English. This kind of anime character is quite popular, especially on the Internet because these characters are extremely cute and childish, so if you are a person who loves stuffed toys or cute and cuddly stuff, I am pretty sure that you will like these characters because they are so small (but not midget), they have big heads and eyes. It may sound weird, but they are extremely cute. Try to make a research about chibi characters and you will be shocked by its cuteness.

Some manga characters we know will just suddenly turn into small characters or chibi for comic relief purposes like Ichigo and other characters of Bleach and Edward Elric of Full Metal Alchemist.

What are the special features or the distinctive features of chibi characters?
Most chibi characters have this features, I think these features are enough to give you ideas how chibi characters are made.

* Exaggerated heads – Most chibi characters have larger heads than their bodies. Yes, their body structure or proportion is not well balanced, that's why many people are also calling them as "super deformed characters", chibi characters may be deformed, but many people still loves them because they still maintain their cuteness in many ways and no matter how weird it is.


* Bigger eyes – Their eyes are bigger than normal anime or manga characters we know. Chibi eyes are really big which makes them more expressive and cute. They even have different kinds of eye for every emotion which are really hilarious.
* No nose – If you will observe chibi characters carefully, most of them has no noses. I don't why, but they still maintain their cuteness even without their noses.

* Exaggerated expressions – Again another comic relief of most anime and manga we know are chibi characters that have exaggerated emotions and expressions. You will usually see them jump off, cry like there no tomorrow and they even have this waterfall-like tear coming out from their eyes.
* Stuffed toy like bodies – I think this is one of the reasons why people loves them so much because they have this stuffed toy like bodies which makes them cute, chubby and cuddly. Sometimes they will even give you the feeling that you want to squeeze them because of their cuteness.